Adidas Kampung is a generic name for cheap black rubber shoes that can be found in local outlets in Sabah. Being made 100% out of rubber, they are waterproof, easy to dry, and thus ideal for trekking in tropical weather. They gained attention when they were featured as having been used by local climbers to win Mount Kinabalu International Climbathon held in Sabah.
Adidas Kampung is up for anything. They are shoes for jungle hiking. Great footwear for tropical water paddling and they make excellent tropical shoes for river crossing and general camp wear.
Why is this shoe called Adidas Kampung? Its similarities to the famed stripes on Adidas shoes earned it the moniker Adidas Kampung, or the Village Adidas.
In the Borneo Jungle especially in Sabah, crossing rivers and being drenched by constant rain makes any pair of our normal shoes a nightmare to walk in. This shoes is a very basic footwear but very comfortable. Most of the local communities in the rural areas use this shoes as daily foot wear in their plantation (of playing football in kampung).
Adidas Kampungs are easily found in sundry shops in the villages of Sabah for under RM10.00. I would say 30 times cheaper compared to the hiking shoes in shopping mall LOL.
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